Thursday, November 11, 2010

You are a funny boy!

Titan, tonight you made me laugh.

You are currently roaming around and getting into EVERYTHING.  Well, tonight you decided to go into the kitchen and open up some drawers. You opened one that is right above your head and didn't close it before bending forward to open the bottom drawer. You hit your head and instead of crying, you grumbled very loudly and started slapping the spot that was hit! hehe You are super silly and full of personality. Daddy lights up every time he comes home from school and see you. You are still nursing like a champ and I am proud of both of us for making it this far. I will update again when I can. You are sitting here nursing and grumbling, lol.

Mommy & Daddy loves you!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Titan Sosiua


These letters are for you. They are for you to read when you are older. You can look back and see how you were as a child, know how much mom, dad, and your siblings loved you, and see how things were for you during these times.We really hope you enjoy these entries and appreciate this gift. We love you very much, son. 

Mom and Dad